Numerical solutions to the Navier-Stokes equations

Blog post about my undergraduate project at the University of Manchester.
scientific computing

Augustas Macijauskas


October 1, 2023

Hello, World!

This blog post presents my undergraduate project on the numerical solutions to the Navier-Stokes equations. You can find more information by reading the project report here, or check the associated GitHub repository.

Streamlines of the fluid flow

Main ideas

The idea is simple - using numerical methods to approximate solutions to the Navier-Stokes equations. The particular setup that I used was not too interesting and was chosen because it is a good toy example, you can find all of the details are in the PDF linked above. Here I will present only the main ideas:

  1. Compare different approaches to solve the problem: time-stepping methods versus finding the steady-state solution by using Newton-Raphson iteration.
  2. Compare different implementations of the methods and their running speeds and memory usage.
  3. Learn more about optimization and scientific computing and, most important of all, have fun!

Opportunities for growth

As mentioned above, I had many opportunities to strengthen my understanding of optimization and scientific computing. In particular, I:

  1. Learnt about various (non)linear optimization methods: least- quares, Newton-Raphson iteration, Gauss-Newton method, LBFGS, etc.
  2. Learnt how these methods can be used through various Python packages (SciPy, PyTorch, but also JAX which I found to be amazing, expect more projects built on JAX in the future!).
  3. Compared the performance of the various methods using the different implementations.
  4. Also learnt the basic of nbdev and really enjoyed using it, for example, it made testing and publishing the code extremely easy (just for fun, I put up the code on PyPI).


You can find many more findings in the linked PDF, but the most interesting findings to me seem to be:

  1. Newton-Raphson iteration is much faster than time-stepping methods (although that is only true in this particular case - it is not always possible to apply this method).
  2. As can be seen in this notebook, PyTorch and JAX perform faster both on CPU and GPU, but that’s probably expected.
  3. On a GPU, PyTorch and JAX perform mostly the same. I expected JAX to be faster due to the fact that it uses jitting, but maybe the scale of the problem was not large enough to see a real difference (might be an interesting direction for future work).


I feel content with the project for now, but here is a (inexhaustive) list of things that could be improved:

  1. The current solvers are specific (the specifics of the problem are hard-coded into them). It might be worth abstracting the parts that define the problem into a separate entity and make the solvers operate on that entity.
  2. There is a lot of code that was written in a rush, so it is not always as elegant as it could be.
  3. More tests could be added.


I found the project exciting and I hope you found it interesting reading this blog post. It was fun learning JAX and nbdev and highly recommend everyone to try them. I Do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions. Until next time!